Online museum

Special appointments to visit the museum from home and learn more about its history and heritage. These are special virtual tours and video stories enriched by audio and image recordings to explain the museum and its masterpieces.

Con noi lungo le mura



The virtual tour of the Museo delle Mura, accessible from all mobile devices, offers a trip to discover the beauty of the heritage through a digital experience that goes beyond the spatial limits of almost the entire museum space. The virtual tour has a brand new entrance: from the clouds of the sky over Rome, with spectacular 360° aerial views, you can immerse yourself in the museum rooms. Using the appropriate controls, it is possible to move virtually around the museum, read the explanatory panels of the rooms and works, visit 60 new rooms at 360°, browse through photo and video galleries and enjoy other contextual content. Thanks to the use of indoor drones, VR images have been created that allow the mosaics to be viewed from a brand new point of view that enhances their beauty. The "Don't miss" section, which contains a handy visual list of selected works or rooms, is a useful tool for those without knowledge of the museum and visiting it for the first time. The tour is also enhanced by intelligent maps that follow the visitor as he or she moves from room to room, highlighting rooms or works not yet displayed. Finally, thanks to the latest generation of drones, it is possible to take flight and see the rooms and works from above, enjoying an additional and unprecedented perspective on the visit.

> Start the virtual tour


The #conNoilungoleMura section presents the Mura Aureliane, the ancient defensive wall built by Emperor Aureliano in 270 AD and for centuries the cornerstone of the city's protection system. An opportunity to rediscover and enhance them, following the route along the fourteen gates, discovering unusual places and forgotten memories. The various stages of the route are narrated by archaeologists and art historians from the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. This is an opportunity to get to know, understand and love this ancient and ever-new monument, which is still a living, supporting organism of the Eternal City. For further information, we recommend the book Memorie e visioni della città (Memories and visions of the city) edited by Claudio Parisi Presicce, Rossella Motta, Antonella Gallitto, Marianna Franco, Alessandra Gobbi and Valentina Valerio.

The presentation of the project

Porta Flaminia

Porta Flaminia - Riposare sugli allori

Porta Flaminia - Gli Horti Aciliorum; dal giardino lussureggiante al muro Torto

Porta Flaminia - Inquiete ombre

Porta Flaminia - Lo studiolo segreto del Cardinale

Porta Flaminia - Mens sana in corpore sano

Porta Pinciana

Porta Pinciana - Scambio di identità

Porta Pinciana - Cenacoli Muraioli

Porta Pinciana - Una porta impacchettata. Omaggio a Christo

Porta Pinciana - Villa Ludovisi: un fermo immagine prima della scomparsa

Porta Pinciana - Il tinello de’ li gentil’homini

Porta Pinciana - Familia Randonia e la Scuola d’Arte Educatrice

Porta Salaria

Porta Salaria - Il fanciullo "innamorato" delle Muse

Porta Nomentana

Porta Nomentana - Castro Pretorio da caserma a vigna… a caserma

Porta Nomentana, porta Pia e le loro storie - L'epopea dei Bersaglieri

Porta Nomentana, porta Pia e le loro storie - Michelangelo, un "vicino imbarazzante"

Porta Nomentana, Porta Pia e le loro storie - Biblioteca o caserma