
The show “Sublimina”, organized by “Collettivo LUISS Master of Art”, aims to give a visual form to a reflection about the concept of border, in a particular historical moment when the question of blocking border crossing and redefining old and new geopolitical borders is manifested in all its problems.
The artists: Liu Bolin, Silvia Camporesi, Calori e Maillard, Loris Cecchini, Giulio Delvè, Luca di Luzio, Kaarina Kaikkonen, H.H. LIM, Eva Marisaldi, Marzia Migliora, Fiamma Montezemolo, Ariel Orozco, Luana Perilli, Alessandro Piangiamore, Pietro Ruffo, The Cool Couple, Glenn Weyant, Marco Maria Zanin.
The Curatorial Collective composed by the students of the sixth edition of the Luiss University Master of Art - First Level University Master, under the guidance of Achille Bonito Oliva (Scientific Responsible of the Master), presents the exhibition SUBLIMINA.
The exhibition, organized and supported by the LUISS Creative Business Center and promoted by Roma Capitale, Councillorship to the cultural growth - Capitoline Superintendence of the Cultural Heritage, will unwind from 15th od December to the 10th of January, in the charming spaces of the Museo delle Mura in Porta San Sebastiano
The works, making use of multiple languages, give visual form to this idea of border: reconstructing it, narrating it or simply invoking it. A fluid path through the spaces of the ancient walls between video and sound installations, pictures, paintings and sculptures of: Liu Bolin, Silvia Camporesi, Loris Cecchini, Luca di Luzio, Kaarina Kaikkonen, H.H. LIM, Eva Marisaldi, Marzia Migliora, Fiamma Montezemolo, Ariel Orozco,Alessandro Piangiamore, Pietro Ruffo, The Cool Couple, Glenn Weyant, Marco Maria Zanin.
Dal 14 dicembre 2016 al 10 gennaio 2017
da martedì a domenica ore 9.00 - 14.00 (ingresso fino alle 13.30).
Chiuso il lunedì.
Ingresso gratuito
Info 060608 (tutti i giorni ore 9.00 – 21.00)