Narrazioni d'Argilla. Gli archetipi nelle fiabe e nei miti

Exhibition of ceramic art in which clay is worked in all possible variations, with particular attention to the experiments and influences of the contemporary artistic avant-garde.
United by love for such a versatile means of expression, eighteen female artists from very different backgrounds have come together in this exhibition project to tell their emotions interwoven with childhood memories and to represent the female archetypes that meet in fairy tales, myths, and in epic tales.
Through a set of over 70 works of different sizes - some almost miniatures, others 2 meters high - they offer food for thought and a playful expressive fantasy, ranging from the quotations of Basile to those of Calvino, both thinking that the fairy tale is a general explanation of life; the catalogue of fate possibly given to a man and a woman, especially for the part of life when their own fate is created: youth, which then sees its confirmation in maturity and old age.
The female artists are Francesca Bedetti, Eugenia Berčić, Fernanda Andrea Cabello, Cinzia Catena, Luisa del Vecchio, Alessandra Di Marco, Emanuela Fabozzi, Anna Maria Grippo, Robbie Mazzaro, Maria Grazia Morsella, Speranza Neri, Paola Ramondini, Francesca Romana Sansoni, Alessandra Spina , Manuela Troilo, Raffaella Troise, Maria Valerio, Tatiana Viduatto.
The exhibition unfolds within the spaces of Porta San Sebastiano, in the two towers and in the walkway that stands above the gate of the defensive walls of Rome.
At the beginning of the itinerary, it is possible to admire real clay stories: some magical plants with their seeds, the skin of the dragon, ancient calligraphy engraved on ceramic cubes crossed by time and plates of chromed earth.
In the room above the door, then, the clay takes on the appearance of faces that tell the stories of princesses, fairies, witches and queens who, alternating with works in which the fragmentations of matter float in the sky, are recomposed in a synthesis of symbols and myths.
The works on display feature many of the ceramic and decorative techniques such as neriage, engobe, bucchero, raku, naked, pitfire and obvara.
Finally, a space is also dedicated to the artistic production of 10 children (students of Alessandra Di Marco's "Colori in volo" Laboratory) who, through the project "The world of Pinocchio" represent the beauty of the handling of the earth and the freshness of the gesture of a child naive and original.
From September 18th to November 15th 2020
Tuesday - Sunday 9.00 am - 2.00 pm (the ticket office closes half an hour earlier)
Closed on Mondays
060608 (tutti i giorni 09.00 - 19.00)
Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
A cura di
Manuela Troilo
Servizi Museali
Zètema Progetto Cultura