The Museum of the Walls

Museo delle Mura
Guided tour as part of European Heritage Days 2014
The tour will lead the public through the Museo delle Mura situated within the Porta Appia, one of the most beautiful and imposing gates of the ancient city walls built by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius between 270 and 275 AD as well as along part of the passageway between the towers. This gate, which opened in correspondence with the
Regina Viarum, during the Middle Ages was called Porta S. Sebastiano for its proximity to the place where the martyr was buried.
The visit will illustrate the transformations that the Aurelian walls and Porta S. Sebastiano in particular, have undergone throughout the centuries and the historical figures and events connected with them.
At the end of the tour it will be possible to enjoy the incredible view from the terrace atop the gate’s western tower.
Guided tour by Ersilia Loreti
Saturday, September 20 at 12.00.
Free entry and guided tour.
Booking required: +39 060608 (max. 25 people)
Sovrintendenza Capitolina in collaboration with Zètema Progetto Cultura and the Italian Touring Club volunteers .